Think more

Exercise your mind. Think more.

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Junk language

The English language is an ever changing and constantly evolving creature. The language we use now would be difficult for Shakespeare to grasp because so much has changed. Having said that, there are some routes which the language is testing which are frankly abhorrent. Why on earth do some people feel the need to use the word “like” all the time? For example, what does the phrase “I was, like, whatever” actually mean? It is utterly meaningless and instead of slimming down the language, as one might expect in the text message culture, it is adding unneccesary clutter to our daily speech.
This obsession with meaningless clutter is far reaching and becoming worse. We have accepted terminology for things which do not even exist. It is impossible to "pre-order" something. You either order it or you don't, it's as simple as that. The phrase “creative industries” means nothing. It seems to be used for the arts and design, but any job can be creative. The term “creative accounting” has been with us for a number of years now and may be thought of in a derogatory way, but there is no reason that accounting, along with management, agriculture and any other job cannot be creative. If you are exploring new methods and evolving your job, you are being creative. Create more, use less.


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