Think more

Exercise your mind. Think more.

Tuesday, June 28, 2005

Quote, unquote

I’ve taken enough intelligence tests, personality profiles and critical thinking appraisals to last me a lifetime. What have they taught me? Only that you can fool them if you want to, that they are fallible and therefore redundant. I am more convinced than ever that all Mensa IQ tests will tell you is whether your thought processes follow a logical progression shared by the self congratulatory Mensa members. If an answer follows a logical thought process, but does not match the answer approved by Mensa, it is wrong. How can that be right?
Are these “intellectual elite” any more intelligent than anyone else, or do they merely think alike? After all, how can intelligence be accurately measured? Some people are experts at examination technique, while others excel at debating complex ideas. Is one more intelligent than the other? I have known wonderful academics who have great difficulty dealing with normality and common sense issues. There are also exceptionally successful and intelligent people with very few recognised qualifications.
Maybe intelligence is nothing more than using your mind to it’s fullest in which ever way works best for you. Whether that means that you can “correctly” answer an IQ test or not is irrelevant. Expand your horizons and use the brain capacity you have been given. Leave the intelligence quotient to those not bright enough to see it’s flaws and irrelevance. Think more.


At 2:05 pm, Anonymous Anonymous said...

'You wanna d'cheese?'

At 10:31 pm, Blogger Dynamobang said...



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