From McDonalds to dreadful cardboard homes, why are we so fond of mediocrity? Why do we all watch Hollywood films when there are more thoughtful and beautiful (not to mention original) films available to watch? Are we just too bloody lazy? Why do people buy grey box PC’s when there are gorgeously designed Mac computers waiting to be cherished (slight bias admitted)?
A UK survey a couple of years ago by CABE (Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment) showed that what the average UK resident wished to live in was a bungalow with a bit of garden all around it. Not only is this impractical for a country as overcrowded as the UK, where city living is becoming increasingly popular, but it is incredibly mediocre. There is wonderful architecture in the domestic domain, of all styles, so why don’t people demand more? Are we really so dreadfully umambitious? The answer can only be yes. The average UK resident is so tired after working longer hours than anyone else in Europe, so mind numbed after watching hours of junk TV, that they simply lack the mental capacity to wish for more, let alone demand it.
Good design enhances our lives in all ways. It not only makes life easier on the eye, it makes life easier. Remember that what you are getting is houses designed for nowhere, built everywhere. Can that really be any good? Demand more.
People settle for mediocrity for one reason — they're lazy.
Donald Trump
Mediocrity is excellent to the eyes of mediocre people.
Joseph Joubert
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